Sunday, June 26, 2005

Sing (Kai's prompt)

Sing - what makes YOUR soul sing?

Seems like this should be an easy question, but it's not. Let me think to the occasions when it does sing.

When I accomplish something difficult, my soul sings.

When I work my body hard--and survive--my soul sings.

When I witness my children performing selfless acts of love, caring and kindness--without being prompted--my soul sings.

When dh compliments me with no trace of sarcasm, my soul sings.

When my eldest daughter and dh (her step-dad) get along, my soul sings. Well, maybe that one's more a sigh of relief.

When my children recover from being sick, or get a clean bill of health at their check-ups, my soul sings.

When I watch my children play, or overhear them chattering amongst themselves or with their friends, or listen to their deep, even breathing as they sleep, my soul sings.

When I can ease my children's hurts and fears, when I can make them laugh and stop their tears, when they light up at a simple compliment, when they grin at me with love and glee, or when their growing bodies melt into my hugs, my soul sings.

When my husband gets past his insecurities and trusts in my love and in how I love, my soul sings.

When I talk with someone who actually gets me, my soul sings.

When I'm with someone who loves me just the way I am, my soul sings.

When I'm able to spend a little time all by myself to reenergize, my soul sings.

When I write something that I think is really quite good--and someone else agrees with me--my soul sings.

When someone wants to publish my words, my soul sings.

When the words somehow just fall out of my mind and onto the page, when I get into the flow and time passes in an instant, when I'm totally loving, living and breathing my writing, my soul sings.

When I can write without fearing retribution, my soul will sing some more.


At 12:20 AM , Blogger bwheather said...

I enjoyed reading about what makes your soul sing. ;-)

At 10:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love this've inspired me to post on this topic. :)

At 10:29 AM , Blogger dawn said...

WOW! I don't know that I've inspired anyone before...except maybe to run far, far away! LOL!


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