Sunday, June 26, 2005

Goals (3-a) - Week Two

Time to update my goals. I'll start by stating my initial overall and first week goals. Then I'll report on what I actually accomplished. Finally, I'll state both my original and revised goals for week two.

WARNING: Week one bombed.

From my original goal post:
Earning some cash is a big priority right now. My writing goal must support that priority. Therefore, my overall goal is to write webste copy for dh's business and for my fledgling commercial writing business.

I've put off writing them long enough.

Having decent websites to which we can direct existing and potential clients will enhance our professionalism and solidify our businesses in those customers' minds. This, in turn, will (hopefully!) generate new and repeat business and earn us that cash we need.

First Week Goals:
1. Draft an outline of what pages I need to write for each website.
2. Develop 2-3 ideas for content on each page.

First Week Accomplishments:
Nothing on paper. My thoughts about this just don't count as progress.

Second Week Goals - Original:
1. Review content ideas for dh's website with dh.
2. Write first draft of dh's content.
3. Seek external review of first draft from someone more knowedgable than myself. (Any volunteers?)

Second Week Goals - Revised:
1. Draft an outline of what pages I need to write for each website.
2. Develop 2-3 ideas for content on each page.
3. Review content ideas for dh's website with dh.
4. Write first draft of dh's content.
5. Seek external review of first draft.

I'd better get serious about this and get to work. My bite-sized chunks have turned into mouthfuls...and I can blame no one but myself.


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