Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Goals (3-a)

Kai's Assignment:
Set yourself a goal for the month, then break it down.
Post those four weeks in FOUR separate posts on your blogs, and your overall at the beginning.

We're supposed to set only one overall goal for the month, so I'd better make it a good one! :-)

Earning some cash is a big priority right now. My writing goal must support that priority. Therefore, my overall goal is to write webste copy for dh's business and for my fledgling commercial writing business.

I've put off writing them long enough.

Having decent websites to which we can direct existing and potential clients will enhance our professionalism and solidify our businesses in those customers' minds. This, in turn, will (hopefully!) generate new and repeat business and earn us that cash we need.

First Week Goals
1. Draft an outline of what pages I need to write for each website.
2. Develop 2-3 ideas for content on each page.

Second Week Goals
1. Review content ideas for dh's website with dh.
2. Write first draft of dh's content.
3. Seek external review of first draft from someone more knowedgable than myself. (Any volunteers?)

Third Week Goals
1. Revise as necessary based on suggestions made in the external review accomplished last week.
2. Review draft with dh.
3. Revise and submit to dh for final approval.
4. Write first draft for my web pages,

Fourth Week Goals
1. Seek external review of first draft from someone more knowledgable than myself. (I avail myself to you all once again. Any volunteers?)
2. Revise as necessary based on suggestions in step 1.
3. FINALLY, after piddling with this thing FOREVER, upload the web pages to my website.

I know I'm supposed to put these in four separate posts, but I wanted to just get them all written down in one spot to begin with. Tomorrow I will separate them out into four different entries.


At 8:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still lost on the point system but I'm trying to figure it out. :) now to write up all my goals

At 9:34 AM , Blogger bwheather said...

I'm caught up on your entries. Looks like you've got a good goal down and have broken it up well. I'm a little lost on the points system, too. ;-)


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