Monday, June 13, 2005

Planning and forethought (2-a)

From Kai:
Lets all talk total hypotheticals for a moment. Within us all is the power to succeed at anything we put out mind to, which is fact.
Another fact is that if we believe in ourselves, the rest will fall into place.
So, purely hypothetically, what's your ideal?
How far can you be towards it by bootcamp's end?
And why would it be purely hypothetical (list your obstacles) :)

How long is bootcamp? Thirteen weeks? And we're down one, so that means twelve to go. Okay, here goes...!

My hypothetical ideal is to earn a comfortable living writing things I'm passionate about.

  • I would write these things during normal daytime hours, with little or no interruption.
  • I would have plenty of time to read in order to refuel my writing.
  • I would be able to vary my writing: articles, essays, corporate writing...and maybe even try some fiction.
  • I would do some type of journaling each day to strengthen my still-to-be-defined voice, to learn more about myself, and to stay focused.
  • I would be an awesome role model for my girls.

How far can I go in the next twelve weeks? Well, at the very least I can journal each day in my blog. At the most, I can organize my days to PLAN writing time, reading time, and family time. OH, and work for DH time, too. And bill paying time. And laundry and clean the house time. And cook time. YIKES! See, this is where I start to feel overwhelmed.


  • I'm a SAHM to four girls ranging in age from 12-years to almost-7-months. Daytime hours are one constant they probably should be (to some extent anyway) or why bother being a SAHM. I'm also responsible for doing the books for DH's business, which cuts into any spare time even more.
  • After so many years of trying to fit someone else's mold of me, I lost me. I lost passion and I lost creativity. I need to reclaim those things before I can write with them.
  • My time management skills are horrendous. I waste a lot of time.
  • I keep losing that belief in myself. I posted before that I always felt like a fraud when I tried to fit in with people so unlike me. And now I feel like a fraud as a writer because I took so much time away from it. If I wanted to write, why didn't I just write? What makes me so sure that I can do it now? What makes me think I'm any good? I fear putting myself out there. But without putting myself out there, I get nowhere.
  • ME. I am my biggest obstacle.


At 2:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In some ways I am glad I wrote my answer to this assignment before going on to read others because I just wrote and didn't try to replicate anyones. but I am a little disappointed in my answer now because it wasn't as well put together as yours. Isn't that the real problem with writing - the not feeling good enough? How does one find the confidence to write for publishing. Writing is easy when no one reads it.

At 5:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great answer!
I can also empathise, I've got many of the same issues.

At 10:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't written mine yet...usually I try and write mine before I read the others, but I didn't feel like writing so read instead lol. I'm not feeling well...some bug I suppose, but that is really just an excuse. I've often said I am my biggest downfall. I get in my own way and sabatage my efforts. :( Guess I should go blog about it. ;)


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