Friday, June 10, 2005

Starting to think about priorities

I'd love to write articles for magazines, but I know I need to earn cash right now, and copywriting is the path of least resistance in that respect. I've done a little bit for DH, and may have an opportunity with a sculpting company to do some brochures, etc. However, I haven't even written my own website copy yet. I purchased a template that works with FrontPage, but I don't have it up and running yet. It's not that I think I can't write effective copy. I'm most afraid of actually getting a client and not getting the work done on time. Like I mentioned in one of yesterday's posts, my time management skills need polishing.

As for writing magazine articles, I'm currently enrolled in the Long Ridge Writers' Group Breaking into Print program. I took a 3-month hiatus after Molly was born and still turned my assignment in nearly two months late. Not boding well for a successful freelance career.

My problem is I put everything else first. Instead of saying, "I'll switch the laundry after I schedule an interview or write a section of my draft", I say, "I'll work on my assignment after I finish the laundry," or "...balance the checkbook," or " on DH's books." I don't put my writing as a top priority, so of course, no one else does either.


At 8:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is harder to get back into a groove once we've stopped. I've been having that issue, I want to continue with what I am doing now but get more of a schedule like I once had. Good luck with your writing. ;)


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