Thursday, June 09, 2005

The State of My House (1-c)

How is my house, you ask? Well, I touched on that briefly in my previous post. It's cluttered. WAY more cluttered than I like. But it's mostly toys, with dh's stuff scattered here and there, and all my paperwork scattered around the living room (where I tend to work). Once everybody is moved into their new rooms, my 3yo's old room will be my new office. YAY!! That will eliminate the paper/book/magazine clutter in the living room.

Then there's the dog hair. Love my black lab dearly, but I'd love him more bald. Judging by the quantity of hair constantly falling off of him now that the weather has turned hot, he should be bald. But no...not even close. Dh is jealous! hehe

But aside from the clutter, the dog hair, and the general chaos that comes with having worker guys in and out of your house all day long, my house isn't in horrible shape. I do laundry every day...wash, dry, fold and put away. I hate dishes in the sink, so that's not usually a problem. I tried FlyLady once...even bought some feather dusters... and I do still keep my sink relatively shiny. But I like to go shoeless at home. And I get enough e-mail that I don't have time to read--much less act on! I dust when it's dusty, vacuum on an almost daily basis and constantly clean fingerprints and tongue-licks from the mirrors and windows. I hate cleaning the tub, but I will do it when necessary.

Like Katie-Anne, I work much better when our home is clean. It's much less distracting, and it's a much more pleasurable environment in which to write. So while my home is far from pristine, it's not a pigsty. I guess most days it qualifies as livably messy...and some days it actually looks pretty darn good.


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