Thursday, June 30, 2005

Planning frustration

He who every morning plans the transaction of the day and follows out that plan, carries a thread that will guide him through the maze of the most busy life. But where no plan is laid, where the disposal of time is surrendered merely to the chance of incidence, chaos will soon reign. ~Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

How true! Planning is not my strong suit. If it were, I would not be struggling so to get somewhere with my life. But then, that's not totally true. I do plan to some extent (more planning, of course, would be beneficial). It's my inability to successfully work around the blips in my plan that throws me for a loop.

Frustration has plagued me these past few days. I have items on my agenda to accomplish. I want to accomplish them. But my teething baby has other things on her agenda. Like crying. And wanting to be held ALL the time. And my three-year-old wunderkind has other things on her agenda. Like taking everything out of her room and bringing it downstairs. And emptying the contents of our pantry onto the kitchen floor as she searches for the marshmallows she knows I've hidden someplace in there. And the two older daughters, though easier by far to work around, also have different things on their agendas. Like going swimming in our pool. And having friends sleep over. And going shopping.

Yesterday I worked on one page--one lousy page--for dh's website, and it's still not done. I'd type a couple of words (one-handed, of course) and the baby would kick the keyboard and type gf hgfgfgdh with her heel, or close the page entirely. (It's truly amazing what a wriggling seven-month-old can accomplish with just her heels and a laptop keyboard!) I'd get my thoughts back in order, type a few more words, and the three-year-old--wanting my attention, naturally--squeezes herself into the three square inches remaining on my lap, the one that's already holding a squirming baby and a precariously perched laptop. "Can we make cupcakes, Mommy? Then can we go outside and you can watch me do my tumble on the trampoline? Can we, Mommy? Mommy Mommy Mommy?" Then the always hungry ten-year-old starts asking what's for dinner, when is dinner, can I start dinner NOW? And the twelve-year-old asks if her friend can sleep over. Then hubby calls every five minutes to see if UPS delivered his equipment yet. "No, honey. I PROMISE I'll call you when it comes." Type a couple of words, and he calls again.


Okay, rant over.

And as for that quote (that I intended to write about as I started this entry)...well, I'm working on all that planning stuff. Sometimes, however, chaos reigns even when you have a plan. It's how you deal with that chaos that matters.

Right now I'm not dealing with it very well.


At 4:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They say mother's deserve phd's for all the work they do. Sounds like you are on your way but to where. Remember this - this is your life too! Make it clear that you need them to help make this life possible. You have 2 older girls who could entertain the 3 yr old for a little while or hold the baby while you get some work done. Consider demanding a nap time for the 2 younger ones and make that your time.

At 11:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can sooo relate to the tyrant named "Chaos!" And I only have 1 child; well, 2, if you count my husband. I have to admit though that boot camp is helping me to recognize when chaos is approaching and helping me to spot the mine fields BEFORE they blow up for a change!

At 8:16 AM , Blogger bwheather said...

I agree, this is frustrating, but you still managed to get something written. You deserve a medal, wish I could give you one. Have to offer a cyber hug instead; {{{Dawn}}} ;-)

At 9:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd forgotten about the baby typing. My messages used to have all sorts of masddasdjldjlkj when the twins were small.

And my house was a mess, and I hardly even kept up with a journal. At the time, I kept pressuring myself to do better, but now I realize I was doing all that I could.

- Lauri


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