Thursday, July 07, 2005

This and that

Getting today's blog in just under the wire. However, I did spend a good amount of time writing the copy for dh's main goal for this week. In fact, I sent all four pages to him this afternoon! Now, all I need is for him to review and revise as he sees fit. He normally makes very few changes, so I should almost be done with that job. Hooray!!

The other part of my goal was to work on the copy for my own website. I will start on that tomorrow. I'm in the swing of it now, and, as I predicted, I'm actually having some fun with it. :-)

I've also come up with an idea for my next Long Ridge assignment...part 3 of my weekly goals completed!

On Tuesday I cashed in my Mother's Day gift certificate for a manicure and pedicure. My nail lady and I were talking as she was working on me, and the topic of my writing came up. I told her how I wanted to get into doing some copywriting, but a couple of things were holding me worries about not having the time to complete a project should I actually get one, and my nervousness about marketing myself to get any business at all. Well, we talked some more, and she talked about how she wants to start distributing a newsletter once every month or two. Then she said, "Maybe I'll be your first customer! Give me a couple of weeks to think about what I want to do with it, then I'll give you a call."

Just like that.

Of course, it's nowhere near a done deal. She may decide against it, or learn of a more experienced copywriter to go with, or, or, or...well, any number of things could happen. But then again, maybe it will work out.

Anyway, I'm just kind of rambling along here. My eldest daughter (12yo) and I are hanging out all by ourselves (well, all by ourselves with my almost-8mo baby who never seems to sleep anymore) since my 10yo is at a birthday party sleepover, my 3yo is actually in bed asleep, and dh is working at his office. This daughter set up a Xanga blog a couple of weeks ago, and in order for me to leave her comments, I had to set up a Xanga blog myself. So she and I were having some fun customizing my Xanga blog posts yet, though I may use it. I called it "My Chair by the Window," and my tag line is "With an eye on my kids as I go about my world." My kids are so internet oriented. Everything is instant messaging, e-mail and now blogging. I don't mind, though, as long as they keep their personal information off of it. And if it gets them writing and being creative, then I am all for it.

Sorry about the lack of structure to this entry. But, it is an entry. It is about writing. And I'm done.


At 12:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who says your entry needs structuring - have you seen mine?
I think it's great your kids are doing so much on the internet with your watchful eye. It scares me to let my son on the internet. He right now has a pen pal online (another momwriters child) but I am not ready for him to have his own address and would really prefer it all done the old fashioned way.

At 7:37 AM , Blogger bwheather said...

I enjoyed this casual kind of entry. Hope something comes of the newsletter. ;-)


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