Sunday, July 24, 2005

Back at it

After posting here in my blog everyday for nearly 6 weeks, home matters kept me from writing for nearly a week.

Boy, have I missed it!

I'm not a fast writer, so the majority of my entries take much longer than the ten or fifteen minutes that we were supposed to take to write about writing. (When I was a bootcamp member, that is. :-( sniff sniff) Between writing my entries and reading/commenting on everybody else's entries, bootcamp was taking up waaaayyy too much of my time. Not that I wasn't enjoying it, because I was!

But life set in, and bootcamp became a luxury I could no longer afford.

I miss all my bootcamp friends, virtual as they may be! :-) I still can't keep totally away from their blogs. I need to see how they're doing and what they're up to, though I feel a little funny commenting now...I don't belong there anymore. That makes me sad.

But, as I stressed with life this week, I didn't allow myself the relief of writing. I guess one good thing I got from bootcamp was learning that writing is a HUGE form of release for me. For some people it's exercise, others it's eating, still others drink or do drugs. For me, it's writing...and without it, my tension just builds and builds until something makes me explode. Usually, something totally unrelated to the initial stressors.

This week has confirmed this finding for me. I haven't written anything since last Monday. Tonight I completed a post that I had started last Tuesday but never completed. (You can tell the point where I stopped that night and picked up again's rather disjointed, but at least I finished it and posted it.) But the simple act of writing something in my blog tonight has made me feel so much better than I've felt all week.

So, if any of my ex-bootcamp friends are reading this...first, HELLO!! (Waving!!) Second, THANK YOU!! You've all helped me so much more than you know. And finally, I hope you don't mind if I check in on you through your blogs every now and then. I really do miss you all! :-)

I'm really glad to be back at it. But for now, goodnight.


At 3:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are back! Please, oh, please, oh please feel free to drop by the blog. I am so happy to see you've posted and I hope to read about you and your writing long after bootcamp is out of all our lives.


At 8:08 AM , Blogger bwheather said...

It doesn't matter to me that you're no longer part of the group. You invested a large portion of your time and I felt like I discovered things along with you about our writing selves. I hope you can update at least every couple of days or so. ;-)


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