Monday, July 18, 2005

Progress, or the lack thereof (Goals - Week 4)

This week was not a repeat of last week, that's for sure. I did submit my blog entry to a couple of online sites...may not hear back for awhle, though. I did a minimal amount of work on my website, and nothing on either my Long Ridge or BC assignments. I did blog everyday, though even that wasn't exactly what it was supposed to be. We did do a lot of family visiting this week, and I've woken up with a headache each of the last four mornings. I hate waking up with a headache.

Oh, and I won a contest at with an 11th hour essay about my mom. Writing that entry was not in my goals for the week, but I'd say it was a productive use of my time. :-)

I'm giving up on the point system.

I confess...Father, forgive me for I have sinned...the numbers I've posted up to now were totally pulled out of the air. My apologies to Kai and to all the rest of you for whom it seems to work, but the whole points thing isn't clicking with me. It's too ambiguous and I don't feel like spinning my wheels trying to make enough sense out of it to calculate them. Hope it's not a deal breaker, but I'm not doing them. :-(

I feel I should mention that I signed up for the MW Summer Writing program. I'm in one of the non-fiction/short articles groups. So, for the next four weeks, I will be working on participating in group discussions and on those assignments simultaneously with boot camp stuff.

I'm really trying to kick my sorry ass into gear. LOL!

Okay, on to goals for week four.

1. Write copy and upload my website.
2. Write a personal essay for BC assignment 4.
3. Research topic, locate sources and put out anecdote requests for Long Ridge assignment.
4. Do assignments for MW Summer Writing Program.
5. Submit my last Long Ridge assignment to a few RPPs.
6. Blog each day.



At 7:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on your essay win!!!! Can you send us the link? Or post the essay?

And I don't really get the points thing either. But I literally have days where numbers make no sense at all and I can only remember phone numbers by the patterns they make.

Best of luck with your goals...

At 8:28 AM , Blogger bwheather said...

Well, congrats. It's all writing, so good on you. ;-)

At 1:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Each word is progress. Good luck

At 1:33 AM , Blogger bwheather said...

Sorry to see you're going, but you have to do whatever's necessary. Your family must come first. ;-)


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