Wednesday, July 13, 2005

And this makes 34

As I signed into Blogger tonight, I noticed that I had 33 posts in here. And this makes 34.


Do you have any idea how good that is for me? I have not written anything this consistently in, oh, maybe twenty, twenty-five years or so? And now I have 34 posts in just a month.

And that's just writing about writing.

Makes me wonder what, if I put my long under-utilized mind to it, I might have to say about everything else in this whole crazy universe? If I can make 34 consecutive entries about writing, what else could I be writing about? I mean, there's so much out there to take note of, to get excited about, to learn about, to share with others.

Posting 34 entries means I actually set my tush in the chair (or on "my side" of the couch, as it were, but that's really neither here nor there LOL!) and, even when I thought I had nothing to say, sat down and wrote something. Thirty. Four. Times.

About writing, no less!

About the one thing I've been wanting to do for so long but thought I just didn't know enough about to do, or to do well enough that anyone would ever care to read it.

I always thought I had to know everything there was to know about being a writer and all the nuances of the craft before I could actually sit down to write something worthwhile. In the midst of acquiring all that knowledge, I forgot the most important part of learning the craft's nuances.

The part where I actually write something. :-)

For everything I learned reading about writing, I have learned so much more by sitting here at Trixie (my laptop) and just my blog, in website copy, in a contest submission, in whatever.

Alright. I know what you're all thinking right about now..."Well, yeah. Of course you can't learn about writing just by reading about writing, Jerky. Of course you have to WRITE in order to learn. Uhhhh, DUHHHH!"

So, I'm a little bit slow. ;-)

But I haven't just been learning about writing. I've been learning about me.

And I'm having a blast posting in this blog every day, trying to come up with something unique to write about writing, and surprising myself when I find myself writing something that turns out NOT HALF BAD...something that actually has a point and decent structure and shows that I might actually have some potential.

(Well, not this post, maybe, but some of them! ROFL! )

I apologize for just rambling on here tonight. I don't know if I'm making any sense whatsoever. Seeing that "33 posts" (and now 34) just really struck me as something amazing. Something fantastic. Something that supports my fantasy of being a writer. If I can write 34 posts and find myself looking forward to writing many, many more, then I must be on the right path.
I feel like I hit some kind of milestone. Not that 34 posts is a lot in the whole scheme of things. But it's a starting point. And it's an accomplishment.
For me, anyway.
And I'm thrilled with it.


At 1:28 AM , Blogger bwheather said...

And so you should be, Dawn. I am amazed at what all of us are achieving. ;-)

At 8:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

woo hoo. You should be impressed I know I am. ::)

At 4:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

34 posts is great, and so many are very inciteful, so many have the potential to be used for articles.

Very cool.

At 1:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is impressive.

It's a funny world we live in when we have to learn about ourselves to exist - think about how many self-help books are out there (can't we just do)


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