Monday, July 11, 2005

Tired, so tired

I'm really, really tired tonight. My youngest two babies have fallen into some awful sleep patterns lately, partly due to the "summer hours" of their two older sisters and partly due to teething pain. Whatever the reason, I'm not getting enough sleep.

Today it caught up with me. And boy, am I a cranky, miserable creature that rhymes with witch. Even I can't stand to be around me. And I can't go to bed yet, even though it's after 10pm. Hubby is at soccer and needs me to put an invoice together for the morning. BUT, he hasn't given me the info I need to put it together.

So, I sit and wait. And complain to my faithful boot camp companions who have no choice but to read my whining blog entry. (Sorry, ladies!)

The baby, of course, probably wouldn't let me sleep even if I didn't have to do the invoice. God forbid she sleep in her crib for more than 30 minutes without waking up SCREAMING bloody murder. She's already done it twice tonight. I keep trying to put her back in, though she's here in my lap as I type this entry. With one nursing breast exposed, of course.

There must be something in the alignment of the stars or something, because everyone's entries that I read and commented on today were rather blue. Except Gail and Sara, that is. Spoil sports! :-)

Seriously, I hope we get out of our funks SOON! Maybe a small miracle will take the form of a solid six hours of sleep.

One nice thing to report. Hubby sensed I was having a rough day and brought home a cool, wooden trinket box and a red, heart-shaped paper weight for my soon-to-be office. He even wrote a nice note inside the card. To say he surprised me would be a grave understatement. Our relationship tends to be...complex. His unexpected sweetness nearly made me cry.


I promise to actually write about writing tomorrow. Tonight I can barely focus on the screen.


At 9:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh I totally understand this feeling. Lately kids just don't want to sleep and the staying sun doesn't help. "Mom, the sun's still out it's not bedtime." ERrrrr yes they apparently know more then mom. I need a break. lol.

At 5:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm... I have the opposite problem. My daughter has been sleeping 12-14 hours straight through, and I can't sleep! I'm feeling it today though, and we took a walk this morning, so I'm hoping the extra activity combined with my existing sleepiness will knock me out tonight when I return from my business meeting!


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